Owlpoint seeks to generate attractive risk adjusted and diversified returns with low correlation to markets by focusing on illiquid and esoteric asset-based investments across a wide range of asset classes.
We primarily focus on credit investments backed by intellectual property and other intangible assets, including Patents, Film and TV Copyrights, Trademarks, Brands and emerging intangibles like Software Algorithms and Data. We seek to partner with IP rich companies where this hidden value of intangible assets could be unlocked to provide access to both growth and working capital.
Our approach, with both cash-flowing and illiquid IP assets, starts at first principles by drilling down to understand the levers driving their hidden value, focusing on superior alignment of interests with the owners of IP through structuring and ultimately an uncompromising commitment to asset surveillance through technology, data and our best-in-class human capital.
We invest through our flagship Owlpoint IP Opportunities JVF I LP in partnership with Arena Investors, LP, a global institutional asset manager based out of New York, with offices in US, EU and Asia.